Monday 25 June 2012

LE 01

Date : 20-06-2012
Syndicate 2
NITIE, Mumbai.

The very first POM class in NITIE. And who would have thought that it would start with a famous Pink Floyd song "Another brick in the wall"!! Well, too many unexpected things were happening around. Pink Floyd Song, Various toys, etc. Soon, I understood that I am really going to "learn" something. 

First concept discussed by Dr Mandi was Goal Setting. Goal setting involves establishing SMART goals. So what exactly so we mean by SMART goals?

S = Specific
M = Measurable
A = Attainable
R = Realistic
T = Timely

To understand these goals, we played a small game. To build a cubes tower. But the conditions were there!! Tower was to be built blind folded and with the wrong hand. Now the real fun and learning started.

Specific : Goals should be straightforward and emphasize what you want to happen. Specifics help us to focus our efforts and clearly define what we are going to do. 
Dr Mandi asked the estimated no of cubes in the tower before the exercise. This helped the group to set a benchmark for the activity. The specific goal for the activity was to build the tallest tower.

Measurable : Goals must be measurable to be able to provide progress feedback and to know when the goal is achieved. Measurable goals helps to check what exactly the progress of the particular activity. The measurable goal helped the team to track there progress while aiming the specific goal.

Attainable : The goal should be attainable. Un realistic targets wont help in long term. This may result in failure of an activity creating extra pressure on everybody. The group set up a target of 18 blocks as previous record was of 17 blocks. So, it was achievable.

Relevant : The goal must be challenging, yet realistic. Lowering the bar for a high jumper could not realistically increase motivation nor enhance performance. Similarly, setting a goal to build the tower of 30 blocks is not a realistic or attainable goal and would therefore not positively affect motivation or performance. 

Time Bound : In order for goals to positively affect motivation and performance, goals must be time-related. The activity we studied was not time bound. 


Few Important points learnt were :

1Role of Top Management : Manager plays an important role in setting and achieving the goals. Encouraging the workers at the regular intervals helps a lot in the whole process. But again "too many cooks spoil the food". So top management should interfere but at proper timing. Otherwise workers start feeling the pressure. It affects the productivity. 

2. Customer Feedback : Customer feedback is one of the most important factors. This helps the management to review their goals, strategies. In the game we played, students were the customers. They were suggesting no of ways to achieve the goals. Many times their opinion was taken into consideration.

First lecture ended with the group winning the contest. The session helped in understanding the basics of goal setting through the game. 

Thank You.